At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Galleries are open, 12–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Ash Tower , John Blines, Sara Hellsing, David Brophy, Marian Giles, Serge Ah-Wong, Danni McGrath, Bianca Brant, Nina McKay, Alexandra McKim, Briony Galligan, Rosie Isaac, Tom Parsons, Gemma Avery, Anna Cuthill, Michael McIntyre, Katherine Clayton, Megan Hales, Betty Musgrove, Nito Santos, Kurtis Adamson, Simonne Goran, Nadege Phillippe-Janon, Ash Simpson, Felix Wilson, Ryan Fitzgerald, Alice Couttoupes, Yeowon Lee, Rachel Vosila, Zoe Kirkwood, Derek Sargent, Valdene Buckley, Annie Tsai, Grace Wood

Hatched 2014

Hatched 2014

The Hatched National Graduate Show is a curated showcase of new art from Australia’s top graduates. Returning for its 23rd year, the 2014 edition of Hatched is an unmissable experience. Striking images, unsettling video works and bold installation art encompass a wide span of cutting edge ideas and processes. Traditional techniques are used experimentally, pushing the boundaries of ceramics, painting, printmaking and photography, whilst combinations of unwieldy materials including toothpaste, elastic bands and tarpaulins result in explorations of materiality, space and narrative. Nothing is out of the realm of consideration, and these artists have not been afraid to tackle the more testing aspects of our time: fear and vulnerability, futility and failure, chaos and control, truth, memory and identity.
Continuing to be the only national survey of its kind, this year’s Hatched features 34 of the most promising artists fresh out of 22 art schools from around Australia. Artworks by 100 students were considered by the selection panel comprising Josh Milani, Director of Milani Gallery, Brisbane; Sydney based Independent Curator Simon Soon; Kelly Mcclusky, the co-founder of PVI Collective and Head Girl at CIA Studios, Perth; plus PICA Curator Leigh Robb and Curatorial Fellow Nadia Johnson. In its record 23 years, Hatched has become a rite of passage for Australia’s next generation of artists and a snapshot of the directions we can expect in emerging contemporary practice.

2014 Doctor Harold Schenberg Art Prize Winner: Zoe Kirkwood, University of South Australia
For the fifth year running, the Doctor Harold Schenberg Art Prize of $35,000 has been awarded to one outstanding Hatched artist to further invest in their career. PICA is pleased to be working with the University of Western Australia and the trustees of the Dr Harold Schenberg bequest on this significant award for emerging artists.
2014 Judges: Amy Barrett-Lennard, Director, PICA; David Broker, Director, Canberra Contemporary Art Space; and Ted Snell, Director, UWA Cultural Precinct
Highly Commended:
Michael McIntyre – National Art School, NSW
Simonne Goran – Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, NSW
Briony Galligan – Monash University, VIC
David Brophy – Central Institute of Technology, WA
As well as having a reputation for showing the freshest and most eclectic works by young Australian artists, Hatched is also known for its epic outdoor Opening Night Party! With RTR FM broadcasting live in front of PICA, plus DJ’s, big screen entertainment and a cash bar, this event is a riotous mix of artists, family, friends, tutors and everyone who is part of that journey from art school to art world. The winner of the Doctor Harold Schenberg Art Prize will be announced on the night.
Join the Facebook event HERE!
Hatched began at PICA in 1992 and throughout the exhibition’s history a wealth of established artists have participated. These include Nick Mitzevitch and David Noonan (1992), Julie Dowling (1993), Raquel Ormella (1996), Shaun Gladwell (1997), Nick Mangan (2001), Sean Cordiero (2002), Aaron Seeto (2002) and Christopher Bennie (2003). WA artists are well represented amongst the Hatchedalumni by Nalda Searles (1992), Matt Hunt (1995), Marcus Canning (1997), Brendan Van Hek (2002) and George Egerton-Warburton (2009) to name just a few.
Ash Tower’s Hatched artwork, Postcards from the Bibliopolis, can be found amongst the shelves at the State Library of Western Australia, 3rd Floor, Battye Library. The State Library is located in the Perth Cultural Centre across from PICA. Pick up a list of call numbers to locate the books at PICA or from the 3rd Floor at the Library!
Join the conversation #HATCHED14