At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Galleries are open, 12–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Coming Home
Alex Martinis Roe

Coming Home<BR>Alex Martinis Roe

Coming Home is a solo exhibition presenting a new body of work by Alex Martinis Roe, along with her film Bliss Techniques (2018). Through film, animation, diagrams, and archival material, Coming Home explores the legacy of the kinship practices that began in the Australian Women’s Liberation and Gay & Lesbian Liberation movements in a small community in Adelaide, Australia called JAFL – the Jewish Adelaide Lesbian Feminists.

This group have adapted traditional Jewish rituals to align with their Marxist, feminist and lesbian politics, embodying their shared values in a way of life that combines activism with their deep sense of belonging to the Jewish people. The JAFLs tell how their shared practices were like ‘coming home’, making it possible for them to bring their feminist and LGBTQIA+ inclusive politics into the fabric of their personal lives in a way that they could all relate to. Together they have found ways to be Jewish that foster their other identities, making it possible for feminism and their queer kinship experiments to become a transgenerational part of their home and community lives.

Coming Home illustrates how, through the affirmation of their diverse Jewish genealogies as well as a range of feminist Jewish literature, the JAFLs have created a sense of continuity between the cultures they inherited and the one they have created for themselves and those who have come after them: their children and grandchildren as well as other queer and feminist kin.

Artist and researcher Alex Martinis Roe explores feminist genealogies and seeks to foster specific and productive relationships between different generations as a way of participating in the construction of feminist histories and futures. This involves developing research and storytelling methodologies that employ non-linear understandings of time, respond to the specific practices of different communities, experiment with the set-up of discursive encounters and imagine how these entanglements can inform new political practices.

Alex is a former fellow (2013-2016) of the Graduate School, University of the Arts Berlin and holds a PhD (2011) from Monash University, Melbourne. She is Head of Drawing and Printmaking at the Victorian College of the Arts and was the 2018 recipient of the Kunstpreis Europas Zukunft [Future of Europe Art Prize].

Recent exhibitions include: Alliances, GfZK – Museum of Contemporary Art, Leipzig (solo, 2018) and Fabriques de contre-savoirs, Frac Lorraine, Metz (2018). Her recently completed project To Become Two (2014-2018) —a series of films, workshops, public events and a monograph To Become Two: Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice (Berlin and Milan: Archive Books, 2018)— is a social history of the feminist practices that invented the affirmative concept of “sexual difference.” This project was co-commissioned as a series of solo exhibitions by If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution (Amsterdam), Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory (Utrecht), The Showroom (London) and ar/ge kunst (Bolzano), and has also been exhibited at Badischer Kunstverein (Karlsruhe). In 2018 To Become Two was presented at the Centre George Pompidou, Paris, as part of Mai 68 – Assemblée Générale.

Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (stills), 2021. Photo: Bo Wong
Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (stills), 2021. Photo: Bo Wong
Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (stills), 2021. Photo: Bo Wong
Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (stills), 2021. Photo: Bo Wong
Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (stills), 2021. Photo: Bo Wong


PICA’s ongoing programs are primarily supported by an investment from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries in association with Lotterywest, assistance from the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. PICA is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments. This project was assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Image: Alex Martinis Roe, Coming Home (still)2021. Image courtesy of the artist.