Trygve Wakenshaw delights in this critically acclaimed physical comedy about an imaginary friend who makes imaginary friends who make imaginary enemies who make imaginary armies out of imaginary Scotsmen. What will happen? Nobody knows. Not even the squid.
Cult Fringe favourite SQUIDBOY returns to Perth after selling out at last year’s Summer Nights and Edinburgh Fringe.
Trygve (pronounced trig-vee) is an award-winning New Zealand-born actor and comedian, now based in London. He studied for two years at Ecole Philippe Gaulier, the prestigious clown school with alumni including Sasha Baron-Cohen, Emma Thompson, Philip Burgers (Dr Brown) and founding members of Complicite and Spymonkey. Trygve was awarded Metro Magazine’s Best Emerging Actor award.
Trygve is also bringing the hilarious KRAKEN to Perth for Summer Nights