Art unleashes potential – Learn, Imagine and Thrive
PICA’s Learning programs are art-led and underpinned by principles of equity, access and inclusion. Our free Learning programs encompass primary, secondary and tertiary learning programs, school outreach, professional development for teachers and family art activities in our PICA Hub.
PICA is a multi-arts organisation, working with artists who practice visual arts, performance, theatre, dance, sound, writing and curating. We are committed to creating curriculum-linked and artist-designed opportunities for increased student participation in and engagement with contemporary art, creativity and ideas, and are uniquely placed to offer cross-disciplinary learning experiences.
PICA’s Learning programs address the need for student learning opportunities that build on and extend classroom practice by facilitating first-hand experiences with contemporary art and living artists. We work to support students to have hands-on, curriculum-aligned and meaningful experiences with contemporary art, empowering them to develop the essential skills, knowledge and creative capacities they need to build rewarding, culturally enriched lives.
In addition to our in-gallery and outreach learning programs, we produce quality learning resources for students and teachers that are freely accessible on PICA’s website. These include video interviews with artists as part our PICA Art Talks series, along with artist-focused, curricilum-link learning activities in PDF format, thematic art files in printable-PDF format and audio content.
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PICA’s Creative Learning program is supported by PICA’s Director’s Circle. The PICA Hub is supported by the City of Perth. Our Learning Many Ways program is supported by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries.