This exhibition features the work of artists from across Australia who work primarily in sculpture and installation. These artists are linked by the capacity of their work to beckon – inviting the viewer into physical proximity with the work itself, to enter, to sit, to touch, to listen. Different qualities are invoked – a sense of mystery, a reflective quality, strange sounds that whisper of mysterious worlds, and objects that inspire our curiosity and into which we might disappear like Alice down a rabbit hole. The works in Beckon appeal to the senses of sound, touch, sight and smell and make adventurous use of scale drawing the audience into their elaborately constructed worlds. All the works in Beckon engage the viewer in the navigation of physical space. For many of the artists though, the site dynamics that primarily concern them are specifically those of the gallery space itself. And the sounds from Geoff Robinson’s installation taps into the enigma at the heart of sound – the ability to separate cause and effect. The sounds ghost the gallery with an image of the landscape where they were originally recorded. With Beckon, curators Kate Just and Kate Stones offer an exhibition landscape that thoroughly ensnares the viewer in an intimate relationship with the physical space around them. Yet, in their own way, each artist pushes this welcome further, compelling the viewer to cross over into the unique conceptual territory of the installation. To give in to the summons issued by Beckon is to find yourself moving towards unfamiliar fields of experience and away from the certainty of what you thought you knew.