At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Galleries are open, 12–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour 

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

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Boojamulling Birdwatching: Urban Walking Tour, 2022, photo: Cole Baxter

Explore the birds in your backyard and the histories behind how they came to be here in this interactive walking tour, which takes you from Boojamulling (Hyde Park) to Goologoolup (PICA).  

Join Aboriginal leader and Nyoongar Traditional Owner, Walter McGuire, and bird conservation specialist, Lindall Kidd, and hear traditional stories of Nyoongar Bibbulmun Boodja, including the Whadjuk lands on which the City of Perth now stands, uncover pre- and post-colonial histories, and find out how to get involved in wildlife conservation. 

Finish up with art activities inspired by Argentinean-Australian artist Fernando do Campo’s exhibition To companion a companion – a cheeky ode to the winged companions that flit among us.  


Wednesday 28 September | 9.30–11.30am
Saturday 1 October | 9.30–11.30am

Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours and Experiences

Walter McGuire is a well-respected Aboriginal leader and Traditional Owner of Nyoongar Bibbulmun Boodja, including the Whadjuk lands on which the City of Perth now stands. He is the owner/operator of Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours and Experiences. 

BirdLife Australia 

Lindall Kidd specialises in bird conservation and currently works for the Migratory Shorebird Program at BirdLife Australia. She investigates communication strategies to engage people in biodiversity conservation through RMIT’s Interdisciplinary Conservation Science Research Group funded by the National Environmental Science Program’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub. 


This event is presented in partnership with Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours and Experiences.


Image: Laughing jackasses, NSW Government Printing Office, 1913, photograph – dry plate, courtesy of the State Library of NSW.

Image exhibited in To companion a companion, by Fernando do Campo