At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Our foyer is open today 10am–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Helen Johnson

Follower, Leader

Follower, Leader

Naarm (Melbourne)-based artist Helen Johnson is celebrated for her large-scale, semi-narrative paintings that explore a range of political and cultural histories and issues. At the heart of her practice lies a continual questioning of the perceived limitations of painting and a desire to expand its potential, both conceptually and technically.

Follower, Leader brings together a group of new paintings and prints created by Johnson while training as an art therapist. Signalling a move away from the archive and research-based approach for which she is known, these figurative paintings integrate dreams and intuitively generated drawings, as well as psychotherapeutic imagery. As the artist states, her embodied approach to painting contends with ‘how the intensities of being in the world are held within each of us.’

Shaped by Johnson’s experiences of motherhood alongside therapeutic conceptions of care and connection, Follower, Leader resonates with the maternal principles of Ngaangk – the overarching theme of the Perth Festival 2024. Referring to sun and mother in the language of the Noongar people, the traditional custodians of the land on which the city of Perth now stands, these principles of creation, beginnings and re-beginnings link to the social, political and environmental concerns in Johnson’s work.

Follower, Leader points towards Johnson’s painting as a vital communication tool that offers both a reflective aesthetic experience and a space for critical engagement. ‘I make decisions about a painting and, at some point, the painting begins to make decisions about itself, and about me,’ Johnson writes. ‘Follower, leader is not a hierarchy, but a circular dynamic.’ Often free-hanging and double-sided, her unstretched canvases invite viewers to move between the paintings, to linger and dwell on shifting impressions as they emerge from the surfaces. Follower, Leader is Helen Johnson’s first exhibition in Western Australia. 

About the Artists

Helen Johnson is a Naarm (Melbourne)-based visual artist. Painting serves as a critical departure point for Johnson, a set of tools with which to work intuitively to explore subjecthood and its implication in broader socio-political structures.  

Johnson is currently training as an art therapist with a psychoanalytic orientation. Recent exhibitions include Judy Watson & Helen Johnson: the red thread of history, loose ends at the National Gallery of Art, Canberra (2022) and A Year in Art: Australia 1992 at Tate Modern London (2022-23).

Helen Johnson is represented by Château Shatto, Los Angeles and Pilar Corrias, London. 


Presented in association with





Supported by PICA’s Art Commissioners


Image: Helen Johnson, The Actual, 2022, synthetic polymer paint and pencil on canvas, courtesy the artist