At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Galleries are open, 12–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Michael Banks (WA)

Michael Banks (WA)

Michael Banks is a self-taught artist whose paintings are drawn from vibrant memories of his life and Country and his old people’s stories of the Dreamtime. During his residency at PICA, Michael plans to expand his portraiture practice as well as exploring paper and drawing practices using charcoal and other materials.

Michael Banks currently lives in Ballajura, Perth. He is a Wongi artist born in Leonora and raised in the northwest of Laverton in the Kurra Nurramunoo (Mulga Queen) community. He began painting as a young boy, learning from the Elders in his community.  Banks recently exhibited at the 2023 Revealed Exhibition: New and Emerging WA Artists at Fremantle Arts Centre.


Supported by PICA’s Art Ambassadors.


Image: Michael Banks, Camping Out In My Father’s Land, 2023, acrylic and watercolour on canvas, 40h x 50w, photo: Susie Waller