During her residency, Natalie Quan Yau Tso (左君悠) will work towards developing two performances. She will focus on community-based performances as an evolving form of political protest to create solidarity for the Hong Kong diaspora in Australia post National Security Law. Researching outside of Gadigal country (Sydney) will challenge her to reconsider the nature of intimacy in her performance as the distance between her and the people and places she knows changes.
Natalie Quan Yau Tso (左君悠) creates sculptures, installations and performances through bodily memories as a means to process and ultimately survive trauma. She employs intimate bodily materials including hair and salt and processes them into new formations that she calls ‘skins.’ She produces and engages with these skins through participatory performances, to subsequently transform them into sculptures from a combination of material residues. In the double displacement of her world as a Hong Kong-Australian woman, performative acts of cleansing, hair-cutting and peeling manifests the notion of cleaning to subsume the warfare of cultural erasure and assimilation in both Hong Kong and Australia.