In 2012 Curtis Taylor (Untitled (Uura), 2019) and Lily Hibberd made a video work that resonates now more than ever, The Phone Booth Project, a short film that dives into communications objects in remote communities and how they shape contemporary Martu culture.
The Phone Booth Project was originally co-commissioned by Fremantle Arts Centre and Martumili Artists, for the exhibition We don’t need a map: a Martu experience of the Western Desert.
This bold and blazing new digital screen initiative curated by Lauren Carroll Harris also features premiere pieces from Robert Nugent, Malena Szlam, Sarah Hadley, Sam Smith, Pilar Mata Dupont, Tiyan Baker, Sari Braithwaite, Leyla Stevens, Esther Carlin and Amelia Hine.
Follow Prototype on Instagram @Prototype_arttv.
Curtis Taylor is a Martu artist who works across film and screen art.
Lily Hibberd is an Australian artist and writer who most recently contributed to NIRIN 22nd Biennale of Sydney.