A major group exhibition, Radical Ecologies is a sensory invitation to question our complex relationships with our own bodies, each other and the natural world. Featuring new work by Western Australian artists practicing at the sharpest edge of contemporary practice, Radical Ecologies acknowledges our continued environmental dystopia and in response offers a range of therapeutic experiences.
We are invited to decipher 850 romance novels rewritten by termites, to lay down with bees, locate a complex olfactory landscape and listen to a musical soundscape woven from the sounds of Perth’s Swan River. Ecosexual confessions are whispered through the walls of Pony Express’s self-contained replica sauna and a robotic third arm is controlled remotely from the other side of the globe as world-renowned artist Stelarc becomes a human avatar, live in the gallery.
These works, which stand alongside exquisitely decorated ceramics, cast silver vessels containing live plants, hand made string instruments, woodblock prints and painstakingly crafted drawings together privilege slow and considered approaches to the making and experiencing of art. This is a group of artists whose work reflects their personal relationship with the greater world around them and a shift towards small-scale, ethical production and the value of the handmade.
30 JULY, 7PM
The exhibition launches on Saturday 30 July at PICA’s major donor event, the PICA Salon Vernissage. Featuring botanical cocktails, locally sourced produce and exotic encounters with live flora and fauna, this gala event offers arts supporters a fresh approach to ethical artistic investment. Ensure your place by making an ART1000 or above donation. Donate online now or contact Development Manager Jo Malone at philanthropy@pica.org.au or (08) 9228 6306.