Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion return to Perth for an exclusive Australian premier of Cheap Lecture and The Cow Piece. A one-night only performance and the first in the inaugural MoveMe dance festival.
Cheap Lecture is a philosophical and humorous performance set to music. In a rant about empty hands, audience, time, repetition and dancing, Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion continue the journey begun in their earlier pieces, Both Sitting Duet (2002), The Quiet Dance (2005) and Speaking Dance (2006), while drawing us ever-outwards into a series of unforeseen images and digressions.
Cheap Lecture is followed directly by The Cow Piece, which tests to the limit the rules we have just been hearing. Using objects, text, movement and sound, The Cow Piece is a chaotic meditation upon dance, music and mortality.
“the funniest, richest, most life-enhancing evening I’ve had at anything associated with the ‘dance’ label this year (probably since their last one)” – Ismene Brown, the, London
“occasionally feeling gloomy during some performance or other, I’ve wished that a fedup theater goblin would whisk away the show I’m watching and deposit Burrows and Fargion in its place.” – Deborah Jowitt, New York