At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

Galleries are open, 12–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

Online Resources

Online Resources

PICA’s quality learning resources are freely available and unpack the art concepts, processes and materials in PICA’s featured exhibitions and performances. Bringing the voices and perspectives of artists to homes and classrooms, these resources include exhibition kits, such as the Hatched Master Class series, PICA Art Talks video interviews and the Body in Mind reflective journal.  

Covering foundational concepts such as the elements and principles of art and design, the resources feature artists who share tips and insights about their practice. Students and educators can use these resources to prepare in class for excursions, analyse and interpret artworks during their visit, and reflect upon and creatively respond to their exhibition experience. These resources apply different lenses to the interpretation of exhibitions and performances, highlighting relationships between the artist, artwork, world and audience. 

Current Learning Resources

PICA Art Talks

Hear from Australian and international artists as they share stories from their art practice and exhibitions at PICA.


Coming soon.