The 2018 AWESOME Festival presents Four Go Wild in Wellies.
Four Go Wild in Wellies is a playful look at how friendships are built, broken and mended – a whimsical adventure featuring tents that have a life of their own, bobble hats, and of course, lots of fun in wellies!
A brand-new show for audiences aged 3-5 years (and their families) from Indepen-dance 4, Scotland’s inclusive professional dance company.
Indepen-dance is an award winning inclusive dance company for disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy, express, and fulfil their potential through dance. Our mission is to enable participation in high quality arts provision and improve wellbeing, quality of life and provide opportunities for disabled and non-disabled dancers in both the professional and non-professional dance sectors.
Created with the dancers, by director Anna Newell, composer David Goodall, choreographer Stevie Prickett with design by Brian Hartley.
Four Go Wild in Wellies