Aziziah Diah Aprilya is a photographer, writer and cultural practitioner based in Makassar, South Sulawesi. She will dedicate her residency in Perth to exploring the tamarind tree as a living symbol of cultural exchange between Makassar and coastal Australia. Introduced to Australia by Makassan sailors during their historic voyages, tamarind trees hold deep significance, representing cultural and ecological ties between the two regions. Aziziah’s research will delve into the plants, myths and stories exchanged during this period of trade between the two cultures, highlighting their importance as markers of shared history.
Together with Sherry Quiambao, Aziziah’s residency forms part of the second year of BREEZE, a collaborative initiative between PICA, Rumata’ Artspace and Universitas Negeri Makassar. This partnership fosters knowledge-sharing and cultural exploration, strengthening the ties between Western Australia and Makassar. By revisiting the historical connections between Australian First Nations peoples and Makassans—dating back to well before colonisation—BREEZE provides a vital platform for intercultural dialogue and collaboration.