At PICA we recognise that we are situated within the unceded lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay our respects and offer our gratitude to Elders past and present, and to those emerging leaders in the community. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of their care and continued connection to culture, community and Country.

Always was, always will be.

We are open 10am–5pm. Our exhibitions are always free.

tiny revolutions

tiny revolutions
Presented by PICA & pvi collective
An epic think and do tank of tiny proportions
tiny revolutions is a public residency-based project that responds to the current global feeling of helplessness by offering a creative response to some of the world’s major challenges.
Members of the public are invited to submit a large issue that causes them concern, and then select a playful tactic with which to respond to the challenge.
The Millennium Project has identified 15 global challenges for humanity, and we have a variety of different ways to respond and bring attention to each one.
The general public can then take part in a THINK tank session to brainstorm ways to respond to the challenges, or sign up to join an elite tactical art response unit to DO some of the actions the think tank generates.
Wednesday 30 October | 1pm – 2pm

  • poetry for plants
    [issue: climate crisis | tactic: invisible performance]
    come join the tiny revolution taskforce to recite classic love poems to plants in this invisible performance to celebrate the beauty and importance of nature
  • minister for population
    [issue: population | tactic: sabotage]
    the taskforce will help create a pop-up reserved parking bay for a fake ‘minister for population degrowth’

Thursday 31 October | 1pm – 2pm
Friday 1 November | 6pm – 7pm

  • dance for democracy [issue: democracy | tactic: flash mob]
    the tiny revolutions taskforce will assemble to dance for democracy

Saturday 2 November, 1pm – 2pm

  • extinction rebellion thank you [issue: climate crisis | tactic: invisible performance]
    people of the taskforce will drop postcards of ‘thanks’ addressed to the extinction rebellion in busy public spaces
  • ☝️phone zombies [issue: everything else | tactic: invisible performance]
    tiny revolution taskforce members will transform into mobile phone zombies

Tackling big challenges starts with tiny revolutions.
tiny revolutions logo

About pvi collective

Founded in 1998 and based in Perth, pvi collective is a tactical media art group who create agitational participatory artworks intent on the creative disruption of everyday life. They aim to make their audiences into activists.